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Auterior Motive Inc. History


Auterior Motive came about because the the founder and president was working on his own project '67 Camaro and wanted a different center console than the original.  He wanted some of the convenience features of newer vehicles such as an additional power socket, cup holders, and a comfortable arm rest.  He put his mechanical engineering degree to work and created the 1967 Camaro Console for sale today.  He figured if he wanted this type of product, others would also want this product.  Therefore, he started Auterior Motive and incorporated in 2012.


Our mission is to supply unique automotive aftermarket products that will add value for the owner.  These products are not for the person that wants to keep their ride in original condition, but wants to customize their ride to please themselves.


We are truly “car guys” that have a passion for their automobiles and don’t have a car just to get them from point A to point B.  We savor the looks, the sounds, the performance, and the FUN a vehicle can provide.  We wrench on our cars, drive our cars, and customize our cars.


Auterior Motive products are MADE IN THE USA.  Yes, we can get parts made cheaper overseas as many companies do, but this is not in our blood.  We were born in the USA and our products are too!

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